• Mon - Sat 8:00 - 6:30, Sunday - CLOSED
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About us

Get to Know APP

Get the best out of your human resources and assets

Our Mission

Our mission is to complete the puzzle of providing solutions for industries through improving human resources skills, using different technologies to get assets perform at peak, and supplying special products of capital importance for the job. We assure delivering best quality at competitive prices.

Our Vision

We are the efficient partners for all industrials who want to get the best out of their human resources and assets

Why Choose Us

APP is Your Choice, Because We Complete The Puzzle 


• Experts in vibration analysis and rotor balancing
• Experts in Bearings
• Experts in Laser Alignment
• Experts in Thermal Imaging
• Experts in Motor Current Signature
• Experts in Lube Oil Filtration For Steam Turbines
• Experience in Wall Thickness Measurement For Boilers Tubes

Our Experts

Working with Excellence